独立成分分析 Independ Compornent Analysis





Wikipediaでdimensionaly reduction の訳が次元還元になっていた。確かにreductionの訳に還元というのはあるけど、これは明らかに誤訳だろう。次元縮退とか、時限減小とかなら理解できるが、次元還元は少し首を傾げたくなる。きっとこの項を書いた人はパターン認識の畑の人ではないのだろう。心理学とかなのかな?ICAを勉強するくらいやし。

The independent values are extraced by ICA from data which several data are mixed in.

When you apply ICA into a data, you can get higher independence data compered to others in turns, and the noisy one is been left.

ICA is often explain with the example of "cocktail-party effect", maybe.

"Cocktail-party effect" is the auditory effects of human that we can recognize the sound source which has lower sound pressure clearer than other source under the situation several sound sources which have various pressrure level exsist. It is one of the special point of human auditory sence.

from here talks is not about ICA itself.
In Wikipedia in Japanese, the transration of "dimensionaly reduction" was "次元還元". I think this is strange, because this meaning of reduction is usually uesed for chamical reaction, for example FeO is reduced into Fe.
I can understand someone translate that word into "次元縮退" or "次元縮小".
Well, probably the person wrote this item is not in pattern recognition. I guess he is in psychology, because he knows ICA.